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New Sprovieri logo

We present our company's new logo and visual identity

Article imageNew Sprovieri logo

We are pleased to present our new logo and visual identity, generated by a process of change, renewal and evolution that has been ongoing for some time within our company.

Our company has always been constantly evolving and keeping up with new technologies; hence the need to design a new logo and visual identity more in line with the times.

In fact, the new logo is designed to render best in any context required by modern technology: from display on smartphones, tablets, and other devices to smart TVs, smartwatches, and home automation devices such as Google Nest or Amazon Alexa.

In addition to the naming with a modern, geometric font that perfectly reflects the character of our company, there is a pictogram stylizing the initial “S” in a hexagonal shape. The hexagonal shape indicates protection and stability, as well as circularity and dynamism, all core values for our company.

Sprovieri website from smartphone

Immediately distinguishable even from smartphones and devices with small screens

The pictogram also amplifies visibility in small space contexts such as viewing from smartphones (both on our website and in apps), making the logo instantly recognizable.

Sprovieri app twitter

Maximum recognition in social networks as well

The new logo also works excellently in social networks, which are generally accessed from smartphones and pack so much content into a small space.

We opened our new social channels. Find out about them now.

Sprovieri’s corporate coordinate with the new logo

Of course, the new logo also performs well in classic applications such as letterhead, business cards and other types of communication materials.

All corporate coordination has been redesigned around the new logo, giving our company a fresh and modern image.

Examples of the application of the new logo

In the gallery below you will find some examples of the application of the new Sprovieri logo on various communication materials and media, communication that I hope you will see live soon.

With the new logo and visual identity, our company is moving toward an increasingly technological, advanced and, above all, sustainable future.

Future that we also help build with our services and products.

foto di Sandro Salvatore Sprovieri

Post published by
Sandro Salvatore Sprovieri
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