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Sports facilities to enhance urban spaces

We build sports facilities and facilities within cities to enhance them and promote aggregation and social integration

Article imageSports facilities to enhance urban spaces

To build sports facilities and facilities within urban spaces to enhance them and make them places of aggregation and social integration; our company places great emphasis on the redevelopment of unused or degraded areas through the construction of sports facilities of all kinds.

Sports facilities enhance cities and promote social interaction

Sports facilities promote social interaction

Sports facilities play a major role in urban renovation and regeneration projects: they are in fact one of the best solutions from the perspective of economic sustainability and social utility.

In fact, sports facilities within neighborhoods, parks or other areas of cities give back spaces to citizens who can thus take advantage of these spaces, benefiting them from a psychophysical point of view. And indeed, it has been proven by studies over many years that sports promote social interactions, integration and strengthen the social fabric.

In addition, when we talk about sports facilities, we do not mean only the space that is functional for sports activities per se, but a set of facilities and spaces that promote recreational and social activities in which the citizenry can actively participate, thus also encouraging business activities.

Regenerating city spaces with environmentally sustainable sports facilities

Bike paths, soccer and soccer fields, tennis courts, basketball courts and more: we build all kinds of structures within any urban space using the latest materials and techniques, which are obviously environmentally sustainable and energy efficient, as per our company’s principles.

We build small and large-scale sports facilities

Starting from feasibility study to implementation, we build sports facilities from start to finish, taking care of every aspect.

This is all thanks to our designers, engineers and other professionals within our company.

We build both small- and large-scale facilities: for example, a neighborhood soccer field that becomes a place for children to play and educate themselves, or a professional tennis court that can host official events.

Urban regeneration through facilities that encourage outdoor activities

In addition, we are also able to build and focus heavily on facilities that cannot be called sports facilities in the strict sense but rather areas that encourage outdoor activity: bicycle paths, jogging areas, children’s play areas, and other similar types of facilities and areas.

All these urban regeneration, redevelopment, and rehabilitation interventions can make cities more livable and people-friendly, making them more sustainable and green.

To learn more about urban regeneration, we invite you to read the dedicated article on our website.

If you would like more information about the implementation of sports facilities to upgrade urban spaces in your city, please contact us using the form below.

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